A Case Study of REMI Live Production at NYC Summerstage

On July 27th 2023, NYC Summerstage hosted a memorable concert with Bobi Wine, a celebrated artist from Uganda. In the heart of Central Park, Feed Central ensured the seamless live video transmission of Bobi Wine's show. On stage the Ugandan artist-activist gave a performance that resonated not just across the park, but across the globe, thanks to Feed Central's cutting edge Remote Production ("REMI") expertise.

This production showcased our innovative approach to live event coverage, and marks a new step in our push to decentralize traditional on-site production models.

The People's President at Summerstage

A mix of music and activism took center stage as Bobi Wine captivated the audience with his vibrant performance. Against the iconic backdrop of New York City, his music embodied the spirit of change and resilience. We are proud to have made this great show possible in collaboration with National Geographic and Rooftop Film.

Bobi Wine is filmed by a Feed Central cameraman as he performs in Central Park for the NYC Summerstage Festival in July 2023.
Cameraman Brian makes a close up of Bobi Wine ...
A festive audience is enjoying the concert by Bobi Wine in Central Park during the NYC Summerstage Festival in July 2023.
... while Geoff captures the enthusiasm of the crowd.

Feed Central in Action

The real magic, however, was happening behind the scenes. With multiple camera teams and audio technicians strategically placed across the site, and our two production studios situated remotely, Feed Central was able to successfully capture, coordinate, and distribute live coverage of the event.

What set this production apart was its decentralized production. Although rarely visible, our remote studios are at the core of our live productions. Equipped with state-of-the-art technology, they briefly served as the nerve center of Summerstage. All incoming video and audio contribution feeds were transmitted to our studios at minimal latency. This allowed for real-time coordination and successful simultaneous distibution in both 16x9 and 9x16 formats to 7 different streaming platforms.

Cameramen Derek and Evan shoot steady shots from a distance

The beauty of REMI workflows lies in the ability to centralize control while decentralizing physical presence, reducing logistical complexities and personnel requirements. Through this remote setup, we managed return feeds of video and audio, facilitating real-time adjustments and ensuring a smooth viewing experience for the live audience in Central Park and viewers tuning in globally. This technique allows for efficient, high-quality event coverage while significantly reducing the environmental impact associated with traditional on-site setups. In densely packed cities like New York, or mutli-functional sites like Central Park, the benefits of such an approach are easy to imagine.

Before the show, executive technician Jason ensures that all parts of the production process are aligned perfectly from one of Feed Central's home studios.

The Future of Live Event Productions

The Bobi Wine concert at NYC Summerstage was a great example of the benefits of Feed Central's decentralized production workflow. The fusion of innovation and reliability that was on display on this summer day showcased the great potential of REMI productions. As the industry continues to evolve, Feed Central is proud to stand at the forefront of the future.